On Truth, Lies, and Critical Thinking Skills

In our family we talk a great deal about both science and myth, which reflects the interests of my husband and myself. Our children, two boys ages 8 and 6, have thankfully developed a deep curiosity about both subjects, which keeps things lively in our home, to say...

On Myth and Landscape

I had the privilege of leading a workshop in Boulder, Colorado this past weekend. I had never visited that part of Colorado before, and I was blown away by the beauty of the landscape; the mesas and red rocks jutting up out of the mid-western plain like sentinels...

I feel like a 12 year old girl this week

I’ve spent much of this week reviewing my lecture and workshop materials, preparing for my talk in Boulder on Friday night and its accompanying workshop on Saturday morning. One of the myths that we delve into in both the lecture and workshop is the story of...