The Problem of Apollo

For me one of the best things about studying myth is the tiny little high I get when I figure something out in a myth that I’m contemplating, when the insight breaks through into my conscious mind. It’s usually at that point that I come blog about it here,...

Imagination and Inspiration

Yesterday, I wrote about the dichotomy between the two Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus, and how we’re seeing it playing out in our household with our two sons, whose personalities seem to embody each of these natures. Today, I’d like to continue with the...

Living with Apollo and Dionysus

One of my favorite themes of mythology that I remember from my graduate studies was the dichotomy of Apollo and Dionysus. Both sons of Zeus, Apollo is the god of logic, reason and music, Dionysus the god of wine, intoxication and ecstasy. Although they don’t...