Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going

Every so often in life we’re called upon to evaluate what we’re doing, whether it’s working, and if we need to continue. I haven’t posted to this blog in about 3 months, mostly because that time was filled with travel, schooling, and lots of...

Being Grumpy about Hebrew Mythology

I’ve spent much of the past week or two reading the course materials for my return to graduate school this fall. I’ll be returning to finish the work for the Phd in Mythological Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute, my alma mater. In the past eight years...

Further Thoughts on Community

A few months ago I wrote on community for this blog, after I had the opportunity to visit a place called Hedgebrook on Whidbey Island here in Washington. I’ve been thinking a lot on this topic since then, never more than this past weekend, but I’ll get to...

Further Thoughts on Apollo

A few weeks ago I wrote on Apollo in this blog, because I had been thinking about the archetypal qualities of the Greek god Apollo, and I hadn’t quite figured out why a dominant theme in Apollo’s stories is that he gets rejected by women. There were some...

The Problem of Apollo

For me one of the best things about studying myth is the tiny little high I get when I figure something out in a myth that I’m contemplating, when the insight breaks through into my conscious mind. It’s usually at that point that I come blog about it here,...