New piece on Hephaestus for The Creativity Post-check it out!


On Showrooming Amazon Books

This blog has been intentionally quiet for the past few months, as I work on finishing my novel and my book on myth and creativity. However, I had a little adventure last week, and I'd like to share it with all of you. As I'm sure many of you know, behemoth internet...

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On Truth, Lies, and Critical Thinking Skills

In our family we talk a great deal about both science and myth, which reflects the interests of my husband and myself. Our children, two boys ages 8 and 6, have thankfully developed a deep curiosity about both subjects, which keeps things lively in our home, to say...

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On Showrooming Amazon Books

This blog has been intentionally quiet for the past few months, as I work on finishing my novel and my book on myth and creativity. However, I had a little adventure last week, and I'd like to share it with all of you. As I'm sure many of you know, behemoth internet...