New piece on Hephaestus for The Creativity Post-check it out!
Walking the Labyrinth
Today I'd like to look at the myths and symbols surrounding the image of the labyrinth. I've been reading a lovely book about the tradition in Christian circles to walk the labyrinth as a meditative act, and it's gotten me thinking about the more ancient labyrinth at...
Walking in the Dreamtime
The myths of the aboriginal Australians have always held a lot of power for me, particularly the idea of the Dreamtime, or the Dreaming. The Dreamtime is the sacred landscape in which the world was created, and they believe that it exists in parallel to the "regular"...
Goddesses of the North
Things are busy at this time of year. My two sons started school last week, and I started teaching my mythology classes for Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. When I'm not in chronos time, driving my kids to school, running errands, and other mundane chores, I've been living...