New piece on Hephaestus for The Creativity Post-check it out!


On Frigga, Queen of Midgard

In honor of Friday, her name day, I would like to dedicated today's blog post to the high queen of the Norse pantheon, Frigga. Frigga, or Frigg, is the wife of Odin, and she is associated with both fertility and prophecy. In some images she is seen weaving the clouds...

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On Raven in Myths of the North

I've been immersed in the myths of the North for months now, writing a novel  on how these stories might interact with and relate to each other, through the lens of my protagonist Astrid. One part of the novel that I've  had a lot of fun with have been the ravens that...

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Sedna, Inuit Goddess of the Sea and its Creatures

Today I want to write about Sedna, with whom I've been engaging deeply lately, as part of the work on my current novel, which includes her as one of the characters. Sedna is a goddess of the high Arctic, of Inuit and Inupiat tribes across Alaska, Canada, and...

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On Frigga, Queen of Midgard

In honor of Friday, her name day, I would like to dedicated today's blog post to the high queen of the Norse pantheon, Frigga. Frigga, or Frigg, is the wife of Odin, and she is associated with both fertility and prophecy. In some images she is seen weaving the clouds...

On Raven in Myths of the North

I've been immersed in the myths of the North for months now, writing a novel  on how these stories might interact with and relate to each other, through the lens of my protagonist Astrid. One part of the novel that I've  had a lot of fun with have been the ravens that...