Nature versus Nurture in Myth

I’m teaching a new class on Comparative Myth for Gifted Homeschoolers Forum in the fall, so preparing for the class has gotten me thinking/reading about how to compare myths across cultures. As with so many academic issues, there are a huge swath of opinions as...

The Original Rolling Stone

I’ve been teaching Greek myth to a class of 8-12 year olds since February, and it’s been so much fun, hearing what the kids have to say about myths when they process the psychological insights that I’m able to share with them. One of the primary...

Thoughts on the Ramayana

I’ve been rereading the Ramayana to prepare for my session teaching myth and archetypes to a teacher training class for Sattva Yoga. The last time I sat down with this ancient text was in graduate school, and it was fascinating to see what ideas jumped out at me...

New Developments

Hello All, I know it’s been a while with no updates on this site, but there is a lot going on, and I have lots of news to share. Our family has recently moved house, which took up a lot of time, unfortunately. But, we’ve settled in now, and I’m...